For Individuals, Couples, and Families
Psychotherapy Services are Covered by Commercial Insurance, Self Pay and Medicare
How We Help
Individual Psychotherapy Services
Silver Lining Care clinicians are skilled in treating various issues ranging from the physiological manifestation of depression and anxiety to life state issues. Everyone is unique, so our treatment planning considers the client’s age, cultural background, socioeconomic status, ethnic background, and physical health. With proper permission, Silver Lining therapists collaborate with healthcare providers and other multidisciplinary healthcare professionals when necessary. We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the healthcare system and numerous resources.
We help individuals with the following:
- Depression and Mood Disorders
- Anxiety, Phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Psychological Trauma (PTSD)
- Personality Disorders and Features
- Low Motivation, Procrastination, and Emotional Fatigue
- Body Image Issues
- Physical ailments caused by anxiety
- Life-Stage Issues
- Overcoming Addiction
- Grief, Loss, and Mourning

Relationship Counseling Services
Whether a couple seeks to fall in love again, work on effective communication, explore shared values, or work on a peaceful transition out of the relationship, our therapists can offer empathic assistance. Every relationship is unique. Too many marriages end in avoidable divorce, and many relationships never grow to their full potential. Silver Lining Care can guide couples through various issues relationships may encounter and offer meaningful tools for growth.

We help couples with the following:
- Premarital, Marriage, and Relationship Counseling
- Coping with infidelity
- Strategic, Empathic Communication Training
- Overcoming mental illness in the relationship
- Conflict Resolution
- Trust building
- Addiction to the relationship
- Creating joint values and goals
- Blended family Issues
- Finding personal meaning in the relationship

Family Therapy Services
Families have complex dynamics. With professional guidance, families can learn to reconnect, learn about one another, and heal each other. We begin with the simple things, just being present.
We help families with the following:
- Family dynamics and structure
- Healing from the pain and loss of a loved one
- Working through blended family issues
- Assisting children to cope with divorce
- Having difficult, meaningful conversations
- Creating lasting traditions
- Exploring the power of being a present parent
- Dealing with mental illness in the family
- Addictions and their impact on families
- How to receive additional help and community resources

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You are not alone!
Our approach blends professional Psychotherapy with Care Coordination and Resource Building.